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Traditional Trade-Up Process

Customers will navigate to and login. This will take them to the page, which will list all of their software licenses.
Customers with an eligible Traditional license will have a button that says ‘See Your Trade-Up Value’ next to the license.


Customers should click that button, which will take them to the Trade-Up Details page.

This page will list the Traditional license and the Subscription license it will be converted to. It will also
show how many months of 50% off discount they will receive for their Trade-Up.

Please note that licenses that would convert to a FlexiDESIGN subscription will be given the option to select either FlexiDESIGN or FlexiDESIGN for macOS.



The customer will then be able to choose which Plan they would like to sign up for; either Standard
(Month-to-Month), or Discount (Paid monthly with a 12-month commitment). They will need to click the
checkbox to indicate that they understand that their Traditional license will be converted and will no
longer work without an active subscription. Then they will click the ‘Confirm Trade-Up Now’ button.



One additional pop-up message will appear that they need to confirm. They will then be taken to the Checkout Portal on


The plan they have selected will be displayed, along with their discount, which will be automatically
added. The customer will click ‘Proceed to Checkout’. They will be asked to fill in their billing and
payment details.



They will be given a chance to review their order and information before clicking the Agreement
checkbox and the Pay & Subscribe button.



Their payment will be processed and they will be taken to



The customer should then click the Manage Software button, which will take them to
where they can see their new subscription license.



They can click the license name or the Download button to be taken to the License Details page where
they can begin their download by clicking the ‘Download Now’ button.


The download and installation process will proceed just as they would with any other subscription

If they had the Traditional license already installed it may continue to work for a short period of time,
but will soon let them know that the license is no longer valid.

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