For this to work, you will need a PC that has a connection to the internet.
Installing EnRoute 7 using a dongle on an offline PC:
Online PC:
- Register EnRoute to your SAi Cloud account and Download EnRoute 7 per the instructions in the letter. Put the EnRoute Installer on a USB drive.
- On your account at, click the license for the offline PC, click “Download License” and copy the key file that gets created to the USB drive. When a dongle is involved, the “key file” for that license will be tied to a key number and not a PC name, so the Computer ID will show as the dongle number.
Offline PC:
- Install EnRoute 7. When promoted during install, click the Import a License File link and then point to the key file on the USB drive.
- Before running EnRoute 7, go to the EnRoute7\Hardware Key Software folder and run the Sentinel Installer. That is the driver for the key.
- Plug the key in, it should light up green.
- Then run EnRoute 7. You might need to Run as admin the first time.