This introduction to Sign Design Elements is designed to help you navigate the SDE webpage, and import your downloads into Flexi Design.
Please note, Sign Design Elements is only available to Flexi Subscription Holders.
The easiest place to find Sign Design Elements is in Flexi. Ensure that the cloud option at the top of the Flexi window is pressed in. You should see a "cloud window" on the right hand side of the page.
(Alternatively you can reach the same webpage by going to
If you scroll down with your mouse, you should see an option for Sign Design Elements under the gray bar labeled "Cloud Tools"
Once you have clicked on this option, it will open your default web browser and navigate you to Sign Design Elements. At the top of the page, click on the button to "LOG IN".
You will be prompted for an email and password, this is the same email & password that is used for your saicloud account when logging into Fill in the requested information and hit the "Log in" button.
Once you are logged into your account successfully you will be greeted with this page. Notice we have 2 of our 5 remaining downloads (If this is a new saicloud account or you have never used Sign Design Elements, this will display 5 free downloads). To the right of our available free downloads is an option to add additional downloads through Sign Design Elements.
If you select the option to "add more downloads" you will be brought to this page. Follow the instructions on screen to purchase a subscription to Sign Design Elements.
It is easy to search in Sign Design Elements, here are a few key things to know.
Before you make your search, you can filter the results to better match the kind of download you are looking for by clicking on the option for "All Graphics", which will give you a dropdown displaying the types of files that are downloadable through Sign Design Elements. You may also keep this selection on "All Graphics".
If you are looking for a vehicle template, go to the template finder on the upper right hand side of the page, this will also drop down and here you will enter the vehicle information & hit the "GO" button.
Here is a brief tutorial on how to download an image, and import it into Flexi Design!
We will search for our image by typing in the desired design into the search bar at the top of the page. below each result is the file type. For this search of a "plumber" the design we will download is of a vector file format.
When clicking onto an image, it will give us a preview, and some additional information on the download on the right hand side of our preview. Some files will have more then one selection for the file format, choose what ever works best for you. The selected image here is available in a .EPS file format. This will also display the remaining free downloads. We will press on the download button to move onto the next step.
We will be prompted to choose a location for our download onto our PC. Lets put this in a folder we can easily access. We can also rename the file at the bottom of the window, we will keep the "Save as type" the same. And we will press the save button.
As soon as the file is downloaded & we return to the home screen on Sign Design Elements, we will see that our remaining downloads has gone down by 1.
Now that the file has downloaded, we will go back to Flexi, in the top right we will click file, then choose import. We will be brought to this window, navigate back where you saved your file, select the file, and choose the "import" option.
Depending on our preferences in Flexi, we may have to click into the screen in the blank design space for the image to appear.
And that's it! We now are familiar with Sign Design Elements!