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Find Color Tool (Flexi Complete)

Locating a color has never been easier with Flexi’s latest update. Allowing you to scan a color
swatch and find a similar color in your color libraries.

Right Clicking on a color used in the design or a color within your color swatch, will bring up the context menu, where you will find a new feature, "Find Color" which is located about halfway down the menu bar.


Color Specs Window


1. Search Button and Tolerance: Used to search selected Swatch Tables. 

Normal (Delta E < 40)

Good (Delta E < 20)

Best (Delta E <10).


Tolerance: Delta E levels are the difference between the displayed color and the original color standard of
the input content. Lower Delta E figures indicate greater accuracy, while high Delta E levels
allow a significant mismatch.

(2) Color Swatch Table: These are the searchable Swatch tables to find the closest
matching color tables based on Delta E Tolerance.

(3) Resulting Color Swatches: Displays the matching swatch results. 


(4) Add: Add selected Swatch to current selected Color Swatch Table. This will allow users to come back to the selected color.


(4) Replace: This will replace the selected Swatch with the new Resulting Swatch.



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