Contours can be manipulated using the cut, copied, and paste commands to move between drawings and layers.
Cut and Paste
Select the contour and choose Edit > Cut from the menu, or press Ctrl + X.
Select where to place the contour.
Choose Edit > Paste from the menu or press Ctrl + V.
Copy and Paste
Select the contour and choose Edit > Copy from the menu, or press Ctrl + C.
Select where to place the contour.
Choose Edit > Paste from the menu or press Ctrl + V.
When pasting into the same design, the copy will be placed in the same position as the original.
To create a copy in the same design, press the Ctrl key and click the center control box of the contour and drag a new copy to a new location.
Pasting from Other Programs
See General Preferences for contour merge settings when pasting from other programs.