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Simulate 3D

Simulate a rendered view of the design output. All tool shapes are accurately rendered allowing both 2D and 3D toolpaths to be rendered.

Simulation Options

Resolution The display resolution of the rendered image. Higher resolution will create more pixels in the image and a clearer picture, but will take longer to display
Material Color The color of the rendered relief. Click on the color panel to select a new color
Material Texture Select a bitmap texture to apply to the simulation. If no option is selected, the material color will be used to render the simulation
Cut Color
Use Tool Color The colors assigned to each tool type will be used to render cuts
Use Selected Color The selected color is shown to the right. Click the color panel to select a new color
Use Material Color The material color will be used to render cuts
Use selected contours as mask When checked, any selected contours will be used as a mask for the area to simulate
Save simulation as relief The simulation will be saved as a relief and placed in the plate
Simulation Tolerance How closely the simulation will display the relief toolpaths


Rewind Rewind the simulation to the beginning
Draw Next Segment Advance the simulation until the next segment is drawn
Pause Pause the simulation
Next Lift Advance the simulation to the next tool lift
Next Tool Advance the simulation to the next tool change
Done End the simulation and close the 2D simulation dialogue
Simulation Options Open the simulation options dialogue
Render Toggle the rendered view
Order Display the Toolpath Ordering dialogue. Changes can be ma in the Priority OrderingToolStrategy, and Sort Method from the 2D Simulation tool and reviewed. Click to Update Order button to apply changes
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