EnRoute es la solución de software CNC de referencia para el corte diario, la producción basada en anidado y las aplicaciones de diseño creativo. Nuestro software de diseño CAD/CAM ofrece una combinación única de diseño 2D y 3D y funciones de trazado de herramientas para fresadoras CNC, láser, plasma, chorro de agua y cortadoras de cuchilla.
Rótulos 2D y 3D |
Carpintería |
Paneles con textura |
Canal Letras |
Metal y aluminio |
Paneles ATP |
Intuitivas y flexibles, nuestras herramientas de diseño permiten crear y editar fácilmente texto, formas, contornos y texturas para todo tipo de aplicaciones.
Importe ilustraciones y utilice nuestro potente motor de vectorización para crear líneas y contornos limpios y listos para cortar con precisión y rapidez.
Todas las funciones necesarias para:
- Dibujar a mano alzada utilizando un lápiz óptico o el ratón.
- Crear líneas, curvas de Bézier, círculos, rectángulos, cuadrados y arcos.
- Editar formas con las herramientas de sierra y soldadura.
- Texto: añadir, copiar y pegar.
- Edición de contornos
3D and texture design tools including:
• 3D Design - Revolve, Spin, Extrude, Sweep Two Rails, Chamfer, Primitive Objects
• 3D Reliefs – Creation and Editing
• Textures – Bitmap, Parametric, Symmetric, Rapid
• 3D Mesh Creation
• 3D Object Creation
• Relief Slicing
This level provides all the necessary tools you need for 2D applications.
The Standard Design Tool Set is coupled with a Toolpath Engine that enables:
• Routing and Open Contour Off set
• Engraving and Scribing
• Hatch, Island and Spiral Fills
• Toolpath plans and strategies
• Supports multiple tools per toolpath
• Drill bank support
EnRoute’s toolpaths are associated with the base geometry, which automatically recalculates when changes are made. The BASIC edition includes Dynamic “Quick Fit” Manual Nesting so you can easily position parts to save on material. Verify output before cutting with 2D and Ortho simulation.
Example Applications: Channel letters, 2D Dimensional Signage, Inlays and Push Through, Any Parts
Cut Using a Standard Bit.
In addition to all of the features of the BASIC level, PLUS gives you the ability to design and toolpath 2.5D
engravings, prismatic lettering, parametric and rapid textures.
EnRoute software is known for its unique texturing capabilities. Choose from realistic parametric textures, such as bamboo, pebbles, wood, weaves, flagstone, or create your own design from an image.
Or use EnRoute’s exclusive Rapid Texture tool to create one-of-a-kind designs. Rapid Texture utilizes the size and shape of the bit to cut 3D textures in substantially less time.
Sharp, clean corners are a snap with EnRoute’s Corner Fine feature. Simply specify a small-radius bit as your “fine tool” and the software takes care of the rest, identifying each corner and removing any excess material left in the corner radius.
The PLUS version provides expanded Nesting capabilities including True Shape and Block Nesting. In addition, you can create and save Remnant sheets, which you can then nest into on your next job. The Nesting and Remnant features save you money by reducing material waste.
Example Applications: Pyramid letters, V-groove Signs, Awards & Plaques, Textured Signs, Textured
Wall Panels, Rapid Pictures.
In addition to all the features of the PLUS level, PRO includes the Creative Design Tool Set for making and
editing 3D reliefs. Unleash your creativity with the power and flexibility of EnRoute PRO.
Additional features in the level include:
• Extrusion Tool -- easily turns 2D shapes into 3D contours.
• Object Distortion – time saving tool provides elastic handles for pushing and pulling objects to define new shapes.
• Symmetric Parametric Texture Tool—helps you align and match textured patterns across multiple panels.
• Advanced Nesting Suite – saves materials with Nest-Around-Obstructions and Common-Line cutting
The PRO version comes equipped with all the tools you need for efficient Nested-Based Manufacturing.
EnRoute’s AutoToolpath (ATP) function allows you to process layered DXF files using saved strategies to nest, order and output with just a few clicks of a button.
With PRO, you can create templates to store and reuse information that is commonly input for the material, toolpaths as well as design features that require input. This time-saving feature will simplify your workflow.
Example Applications: 3D Artistic Signs, Architectural Signs, Curved Moldings, 3D Millwork, Cabinets,
Nested-Based Manufacturing, Mold Making, Furniture.
This version contains the same feature set as PRO but is offered as an affordable monthly subscription
product. The big advantage with a subscription is free product upgrades. Subscription customers always
have the latest product version as part of their plan.
Choose from 3 different payment options:
• Month-to-month with no obligation, you can cancel at any time
• Discounted month-to-month with a 12-month commitment
• Annual pre-paid
Free technical support via phone, email or chat is also included with every subscription plan. Start your
subscription with a free 7-day trial.
Ejemplos de aplicaciones: Rótulos artísticos 3D, rótulos arquitectónicos, molduras curvas, carpintería 3D, armarios,
fabricación anidada, fabricación de moldes, muebles.
Diseñe y genere archivos 2D para CNC Plasma, Waterjet o Láser con facilidad.
Las herramientas de dibujo CAD le permiten diseñar tanto visual como paramétricamente. La intuitiva interfaz de usuario está organizada de forma lógica.
Las herramientas de limpieza y edición facilitan y agilizan la reducción de puntos y la eliminación de contornos e intersecciones innecesarios.
e intersecciones innecesarias.
El motor de vectorización de EnRoute convierte imágenes de mapa de bits en líneas limpias listas para redimensionar o cortar
con un solo clic del ratón.
EnRoute FABRICATION incluye varias funciones avanzadas de trazado de herramientas diseñadas para optimizar la eficacia y proporcionar piezas acabadas de alta calidad.
Los algoritmos incluyen:
- Línea común
- Esquinas en bucle
- Posicionamiento inteligente de entrada y salida
La Compensación de Kerf, controlada a través de un sencillo cuadro de diálogo, le permite determinar fácilmente los parámetros que desea utilizar al cortar y almacena la información para recuperarla fácilmente.
Cuatro algoritmos de anidamiento simplifican el proceso de salida, posicionando automáticamente las piezas para un óptimo ahorro de material.
de material. Con la función Nesting Organizer puede especificar el número y la prioridad de las piezas que deben cortarse antes del anidado.
Ejemplos de aplicaciones: Piezas manufacturadas, arte decorativo en metal.
(Si está interesado en adquirir SAi Enroute, haga clic aquí).