Thread pitch toolpath
We have added a new tool type and tool path type for cutting threads. It will apply the thread tool paths in the same way as the “drill centers” so that the threads can be applied to many geometries at once.
New order parameter: Order by Entry/Pierce
Within the toolpath ordering, we have added the possibility to order by “pierce”. Every entry into the material can now be sequenced, even if it is part of a larger toolpath group
Plate tool bar addition
When nesting files across one or multiple plates, you now have to option to “maintain layers” so that an object and its toolpaths remain on their respective layer after nesting. This option is now checked by default in the preferences
Easily editable Entry/exit of tool paths
A user now has the ability to edit size and angle of entry/exit objects simply by clicking and dragging them as preferred.
double sided machining in EnRoute
Upon the creation of a plate, you now have option to choose between a standard job and a double-sided one.
When you choose double-sided, you will get additional options where you choose the flip direction, dowel hole type and dowel size. The dowels will be used to position the job when flipping over the material.
Extend/trim by length We have re-enabled the ability to trim and extend contours by a set length
Output file generation for each tool For users that do not work with an automatic tool changer, we have added the option upon output so that you can now choose to automatically create an output file for each tool that is used in your file. The tool name will be appended to the set name of the output file.
Snap to point option in Point-editing-mode We added the functionality to snap to points while editing contours using the point editing tools
Create PDF report on output G1
When outputting, you can now generate a PDF report which will give you the cut time estimation, tool list, a barcode and print preview of the plate.
Added option to maintain Entry/exit/bridges relative position after scaling Customers can now choose to maintain the relative position of entry/exit/bridge on a toolpath when scaling. In previous versions of EnRoute it would reset them to their default position as it recalculated the toolpath.
Kerf compensation Entry / exit location improvement: preferred = sharp corner or at directional change The corner entry/exit will now automatically default to the sharpest corner of the geometry it is being applied to.
Allow to set fixed output location for label image files generated with ATP. You can now specify a path in the driver’s CNF file to always generate the label images in the set location.
XY 0 ,0 Guide lines checkbox at plate creation We have added a checkbox to create XY-guidelines at the origin of the plate upon its creation
Drag and drop to open File You can now drag and drop ER files into EnRoute to open them
Added “Send to hotfolder as layered DXF” option
Designs can now be sent to a hot folder as a layered DXF file.
Edit entry/exit & edit bridges has been added to the right-click menu when targeting a toolpath
Kerf toolpath improvement – kerf width can be entered manually with the necessity of having such a tool set up in the tool library
Post-processor options are now available within the Output window of the automated tool pathing module