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Using the Artwork Approval Tool


With the Artwork Approval Tool, you can get jobs approved faster and spend less time on the phone and composing emails. The Artwork Approval Tool is easy to use and automatically tracks projects and revisions. 

Creating a new Artwork Approval Job

To start using the Artwork Approval Tool:

  • Go to the File menu, then select Send to Approval Tool.

mceclip0.png          mceclip2.png

  • Select the Create a New Job option, and click OK. If you only want to send the selected part of your artwork, click Selection Only.
  • Click OK.
  • This will bring up a form where you can enter the new approval job information, including the email address where the approval request will be sent.


  • Enter the applicable information, then click Submit to send the artwork to your customer.

After you send the artwork, your customer will receive an email that contains instructions and a link where he or she can review the artwork. Clicking on the link will open your customer’s web browser there the artwork and job information can be reviewed.

  • After reviewing your work, the customer can click Approve or create a mark on any part of the artwork to make comments by drawing a box and typing. Customers can add as many feedback boxes as necessary. When they are ready to send you their feedback, customers simply click the Send Comments button, and you will be notified by email. A link to the approval tool on the SAi Cloud will be in it.


Sending the next revision

  • Click the link in the email you receive to open your browser and view your customer’s feedback.
  • Once you’ve reviewed your customer’s comments, go back to Flexi, and make changes as requested.
  • When you’re finished revising the artwork, open the File menu again, and select Send to Approval Tool.
  • Select the Add to an Existing Job option.
  • Select the existing Artwork Approval project, and click Select.

Your customer will receive a new email with a link to the revised artwork. After opening the link, they can, once again, choose to approve the artwork or send you their feedback. The Artwork Approval Tool saves a copy of each revision, so you can easily go back to a previous version whenever necessary.

Checking the status of Artwork Approval Jobs

In Flexi, you can check the status of your Artwork Approval jobs at any time. Simply open your Cloud window, then click on the Artwork Approval icon. The Approval Tool automatically keeps track of the status of all of your Approval jobs:



You can also delete old Approval jobs in this window by clicking the trash can icon.

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