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Introduction Videos

Introduction Videos

If you are new to EnRoute, start by watching this video introduction series. Each video introduces a key concept or explores some of the normal use cases for common tools. By the end of the video series, you will be able to create designs in EnRoute and be able to generate output files to cut on a macine.

Getting Started - Take a first look around the EnRoute workspace with a quick look at the controls and where to find more learning material.
The Interface - Learn how to navigate the EnRoute interface.
Creating your First Project - Walk through an example from start to finish to see everything needed to create a simple project
Contours - Learn about how contours are created and edited
The Container Hole Relationship EnRoute automatically identifies holes in designs, learn how this can affect the design
The Plate - Learn how the plate is defined and some of the functionality it provides in EnRoute
Introduction to Toolpaths - Learn the basics of working with toolpaths
Overview of Toolpath Types - Take a closer look at some of the most commonly used toolpath strategies
Routing Offset Toolpaths - Learn some of the common use cases for routing offset toolpaths and how to configure them
Generating Output - Configure the machine driver and toolpath priorities to create an output file.
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