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Technical Support FAQ

Can I use Flexi on more than one computer at once?

Each Flexi key is one license of the software and will allow the software to be used on one PC at a time. The key can be moved from one PC to another. For more than one instance of Flexi to be running at the same time, multiple keys would have to be purchased.


Every month my subscription stops working and I have to call support to get it working again

The cloud requires admin privileges to be able to check our servers every month. First, verify that you have Full Administrative Privileges so that Flexi has permission to perform that check each month. Second, you may have a Anti-virus or firewall that could be blocking to communication to our servers. Make sure you set exceptions in all firewalls, and anti-virus software to make sure that Flexi or Enroute can connect to our servers.

For more information, see: Cannot Reach Licensing Server


How do I know if I have the latest version of the software for my Flexi or EnRoute subscription?

  1. In Flexi or EnRoute, go to Help > About
  2. Find your Software ID Number and your Build Number.  
  3. Log in to Find the license that matches Software ID, and click on it.
  4. Compare the Build Number found in your software vs. the Active Build on the SAi Cloud. If the number is the same, you have the latest version of the software. If the Active Build is higher, you have an upgrade available to you and can upgrade your software.
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