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Activating your License and Downloading EnRoute

After you’ve received your email containing your Activation Code, head over to Once there you will see an option on the left-hand side to enter your activation code. Type or copy paste your activation code there and click Activate.


 On the following page, you will be prompted to create a new SAi Cloud Account. Create your account by entering your email. If you have an existing account, select the respective option.Create_SAi_Cloud_Account.jpg

Once your account is created, your Activation code and license will become associated with your account. Your activation code will never change. You can now log back in to the SAi Cloud.


This next page has all of your license information. Note the location of several important pieces of information relevant to your account.

At the bottom, there will be a download button. Click it to download the software installer.New_License_Info.jpg


The web browser will have downloaded a .zip folder. Extract the contents to a known location.



The software is now ready to install. For helping installing EnRoute , see: Installing EnRoute


The license can only be removed from a computer six times per year without an additional cost.

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