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Cut Order (EnRoute)

The order in which cuts are made determines the time to output a finished piece.

The default ordering options will create a high-quality finished piece and it is not necessary to edit the ordering. The ordering parameters only need to be changed to fine tune the process.


Set the priority levels of the major parameters relative to each other.

Priority Options

Tool Type of cutting tool used to make the cut
Object The object that the cut forms a part of. In this context an object a piece that will be cut from the plate
Strategy The strategy the cut belongs to
Pass The cutting pass the cut belongs to
Layer The layer the cut belongs to

The order listed above is the default priority order, which is designed to minimize tool changes. If the output uses 2 tools, all of the toolpaths associated with the first tool would be cut first, followed by all of the toolpaths with the second tool.

Entries in the Priority Order list can be changed by dragging them up or down the list by clicking on the row header column on the left edge.

Cutting Each Object Completely Before Continuing

A common change to the priority order list is to cut out each object completely before moving on to the next object. Moving Object to the top of the order will prioritize each object above the individual tools used to cut out the object. This will increase the number of tool changes, but that could be a valid tradeoff if it is more important to keep completed parts moving through a shop.

Click Default Order to reset the Priority Order to the default

Tool Order

The Tools list displays all tools used in the design ranked from highest to lowest priority. Highest priority tools are used first down to the lowest priority tool. A 1/4" end mill used to cut out pieces from the plate should be prioritized lowest so that all other cuts can be made to a design before separating it from the plate.

Entries in the Tool Priority list can be changed by dragging them up or down the list by clicking on the row header column on the left edge.

Clear the Use check box to the right of a tool to prevent any cuts using that tool from being output.

Strategy Order

The Strategies list displays the different strategies within the design in priority order. Higher priority strategies are cut first and lower priority strategies are cut later.

Entries in the Strategy Order list can be changed by dragging them up or down the list by clicking on the row header column on the left edge.

Clear the Use check box to the right of a strategy to disable it from generating output. For example, if the same contours are used to generate male and female Routing Offset toolpaths for an inlay job, each strategy will need to be sent to the machine at a different time. Mark one strategy as unused to generate output files for the other strategy.

Object Order

Choose how objects are prioritized. Object order uses the same dialogue as Toolpath Ordering.

Additional Ordering Options

Small Parts First Cut out small parts first
Maintain Grouping Treat grouped objects as a single reference in the cut order

Load and Save Ordering to Preferences

Ordering parameters can be saved to preferences and reloaded later by using the Load and Save Ordering to Preferences buttons in the ordering dialogue. When Load Ordering is selected, the ordering parameters saved to preferences will be loaded into the dialogue. When Save Ordering is selected, the parameters loaded in the dialogue will be saved to EnRoute preferences, overwriting any previously saved ordering parameters.

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