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Dimension Tools

(see also: Measurements, Dimensions, and Labels)

The Dimension tool allows you to create dimensioning lines between two points in your design. The dimension lines can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

When you are creating a dimension label, the Snap to Point feature is automatically enabled.

Creating Dimensioning Lines

  • From the Measurement toolbar, select a Dimension tool:
    • mceclip0.png - Horizontal
    • mceclip1.png - Vertical
    • mceclip2.png - Diagonal
  • Click the point where the dimension line will start.
  • Either click the point where the dimension line will end, or drag from the start point to the ending point. As you move the cursor, a line displays the direction you are moving.
  • Click a third time to set the distance between the dimension line and the starting and ending points. 
    • Hold Shift to constrain the line angle to the increment set in the Constrain angle (default = 45 degrees).
    • Hold Ctrl to constrain the dimension lines to be perpendicular to the object.


Editing Dimensioning Lines

  • In DesignCentral, on the Dimension tab, adjust the following parameters:

DesignMeasureDCFont__1_.png Specifies the Font and Font Style of a dimension label.
DesignMeasureDCFontSize__1_.png Specifies the Font Size of a dimension label.
DesignMeasureDCLock.png When locked (default), the dimension value displays on the dimension line. When unlocked, you can enter dimension text in the field above the padlock. This text then displays instead of the dimension value.
DesignMeasureDCArrows.png Lets you select the Arrow Type to be used at both ends of a dimension line.
DesignMeasureDCArrowPosition.png Sets the Arrow Position with respect to sidelines. Options are inside and outside.
Linked When checked, any resizing of an object in the direction measured by the dimension line will automatically reflect the resizing.
This option is only available at dimension creation. Once unchecked (or left unchecked), the Linked option disappears.
Advanced Opens the Advanced Settings dialog box.


  • In the Advanced Settings dialog box, adjust the following parameters:
Prefix Lets you enter text that will be placed before the dimension value.
Suffix Lets you enter text that will be placed after the dimension value.
Scale Scales the displayed dimension value (default = 100%). A scale value of 50% will display only half of the actual dimension value.
Unit Specifies the unit of measurement to display after the dimension value. Options are ", in, inches, ft, m, cm, and mm.
Precision Determines the number of decimal places used in a dimension value.
Trailing Zeros Displays the number of insignificant zeroes to display, based on the Precision setting. When unchecked, no insignificant zeroes will be displayed.
Suppress unit When checked, no unit of measure will be displayed after the dimension value.
Border text When checked, a box will enclose the dimension text.
DesignMeasureAdvancedTextPosition.png Text Position. Allows the dimension text to appear above, on, or under the dimension line.
DesignMeasureAdvancedTextAlignment.png Text Alignment. Fixes the dimension text at the edge or center of the dimension line.
DesignMeasureAdvancedDiagonalTextPosition.png Diagonal Text Position. On diagonal dimension lines, aligns the dimension text on the diagonal line or positions it horizontally above it.
DesignMeasureAdvancedSuppress.png Suppress. Lets you control the display of dimension lines, sidelines, and arrows.
DesignMeasureAdvancedArrowWidth__1_.png Sets the arrow Height (length).
DesignMeasureAdvancedArrowHeight__1_.png Sets the arrow Width.
  • When finished, click OK.

Changing the Text Position of a Dimension Line

The dimension text can appear inside the dimension line or to either side, depending on whether the third click was made below the dimension line or to one side.


To change the position of the dimension text:

  • Double-click the dimension line.
  • Click and drag the circle next to the dimension text.
  • Drag the text to the desired position.
  • Release the mouse button.


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