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SAi Connect - Preferences

To access your Preferences, select the circle on the Connect menu bar and click "Preferences."





Language & Units

The Language and Units can be set separate from the region listed on your SAi Cloud Account. This will affect only the SAi Connect application and not Flexi or EnRoute.

The units specifically will show in the usage statistics pane. 

Statistics time period

Changes the time period in which usage statistics are pulled from.


Hide products that have expired for more than 3 months

Any inactive subscription licenses that have an expiration date more than 3 months in the past will be hidden with this option turned on. This is useful if you have an old license you know you'll know you'll never use again but don't want to remove yet.


Re-request credentials for actions that involve sensitive information

Provides an extra layer of security for things like managing your account or subscriptions if you expect other people to be using the computer and don't want that information available.

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