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SAi Connect - Apps

The "All Apps" pane will list three major sets of information: 

  • My Apps: Lists the installations of Flexi that can be found on your current computer

  • My Products: Lists all the available software licenses on your account. This section is listed below "My Apps" and in some cases you will need to scroll down to find it.

  • Available Products: Allows you to quickly pick up another subscription of Flexi or Enroute.

My Apps 

Launch Software: Simply click the desired software. The program will launch after a few moments.

Update License: If you have a license that is out of date, an orange symbol will appear as two arrows circling around an exclamation point.  Hovering over it will inform you of the outdated license. Click the three dots to the left of the software name and select Update license. Connect will pull the license, then launch Install Manager. If Install Manager opens, just click OK. Then your software license will be up to date and the warning symbol will no longer appear.




My Programs

For each program installed on your computer, Connect has some information ready to display for your convenience:


  1. Product name and Type
  2. Manage your subscription and Install Software
  3. Number of licenses of this type
  4. Computer Name where the software is currently installed.


If you have a license that is not installed on a computer, the Install button will be shown and the number of licenses will instead tell you how many are available. Click Install to download and install the software. 

  • Connect will do two things:
    • Copy your activation code, allowing you to paste it. Feel free to paste it to a notepad or word document so you don't lose it.
    • Begin immediately downloading the installer for your software. When it is complete, the installer will launch automatically.
  • If you have more than one license installed on multiple computers, hovering over "multiple machines" will give you a quick list of which software ID is installed on which computer.mceclip8.png

Available Products

Clicking Subscribe will allow you to choose the level you would like to subscribe to. Note that 7 day free trials are limited to once per account.


Once you  put in your password, Connect will guide you through the checkout process. If you have a credit card on file already, Connect will retrieve that from our servers.

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