Nesting Improvements (Flexi Complete)

Improvements to Nesting in Production Manager Complete

Nesting has been a feature in production manager for some time now and with each iteration of Flexi receives improvements.  The basic workflow remains the same and is detailed below. 


Nesting your Jobs

  • Bring multiple jobs into Production Manager
  • Select the jobs you wish to nest and click the nest button at the top

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  • Alternatively, right click on the selected jobs and click nest


Changing Properties of your Nested Files

  • Right click on the nested job and click job properties
  • Alternatively, double click on the job


  • In Job Properties you can manipulate the size of individual jobs, placement, rotation, and see individual job information 
  • Redo Nesting is one of the new buttons and allows you to revert changes if you moved something to the wrong place during manual nesting


  • Uncheck manual nesting to allow Production Manager to automatically nest everything efficiently
  • You can manually select individual jobs within the nest by clicking on them. This allows you to see the file name, change the size and copies and even delete the job


  • In manual nesting mode jobs can be moved around within the workspace or even overlapped with another job, or use the new snap alignment to get the perfect placement in the workspace 


Unnesting Jobs in Production Manager

  • To unnest a nested job you must select the nested job and then click the unnest button at the top of Production Manager

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  • Alternatively, right click the nested job and then click unnest jobs
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