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Making Adjustments to Nested Jobs

(see also: Nesting Jobs)

Jobs within a nested can be rotated, mirrored, resized, and moved. When you open Job Properties, most of the settings will apply to the entire job, but there are a few settings you can apply individually. Any adjustments you make may automatically adjust other images. You can apply changes to multiple jobs at once by shift clicking each job.


To rotate a nested image:

  • Select the image in the Preview Pane and do one of the following:
    • Double click its center rotation handle to rotate the image in 90° increments.
      mceclip3.png   mceclip4.png
    • Click the Rotate Image button in the Layout tab, and select the degree of rotation you want to apply. Any adjustments that need to be made will be done automatically.

To change the number of copies:

  • Select the image and change the number of copies in the layout pane. The new copies will be nested automatically.
  • If necessary, you can increase the spacing. This will increase the spacing for all copies, not just one.

To mirror nested images:

  • Select the image and click the Mirror Image button in the Layout tab. This will always mirror vertically. If you need to mirror the other direction, first rotate the image 90°.

To resize one or more images:

  • Click an image; Shift Click for more than one image.
  • Change the dimensions as desired. All objects will change to be the same size. Objects of different sized sides (such as the arrow in the example below) will change that side to match the others while maintaining proportionality (if the Proportional box is checked).
  • Click one of the two buttons on the right to adjust all to the same width or height, respectively. The first object selected will be the reference object.



To move a nested image:

  • Click and drag an image in the Preview Pane.
    mceclip6.png    mceclip7.png
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