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Nesting Alignment

(see also: Nesting Jobs)

Use these tools to align nested jobs to each other or to the page edges.mceclip0.png

Any changes you make can be reverted to with the Undo button at the end. mceclip1.png

Align to Jobs

This set of tools align jobs in relation to other jobs on the layout.


ProductionNestAlignObjectLeftIcon.png Align Left All selected jobs will be aligned to the job that is the furthest left on the layout. ProductionNestAlignObjectLeft_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignObjectRightIcon.png Align Right All selected jobs will be aligned to the job that is the furthest right on the layout ProductionNestAlignObjectRight_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignObjectTopIcon.png Align Top All selected jobs will be aligned to the job that is the furthest up on the layout ProductionNestAlignObjectTop_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignObjectBottomIcon.png Align Bottom All selected jobs will be aligned to the job that is the furthest down on the layout ProductionNestAlignObjectBottom_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignObjectVertCenterIcon.png Align Horizontal Center All selected jobs will be aligned according to their horizontal center ProductionNestAlignObjectVertCenter_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignObjectHorCenterIcon.png Align Vertical Center All selected jobs will be aligned according to their vertical center ProductionNestAlignObjectHorCenter_300x191.png


Align to Page Edge

This set of tools aligns jobs on the layout with the page edges as point of reference. Select multiple jobs by holding down the shift key.


ProductionNestAlignPageLeftIcon.png Align to Page Left The selected job will be moved to the page left edge. If multiple jobs are selected, the space between the jobs is maintained. ProductionNestAlignPageLeft_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignPageRightIcon.png Align to Page Right The selected job will be moved to the page right edge. If multiple jobs are selected, the space between jobs is maintained. ProductionNestAlignPageRight_300x191.png
ProductionnestAlignPageTopIcon.png Align to Page Top The selected job will be moved to the page top edge. If multiple jobs are selected, the space between jobs is maintained. ProductionNestAlignPageTop_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignPageBottomIcon.png Align to Page Bottom The selected job will be moved to the page bottom edge. If multiple jobs are selected, the space between jobs is maintained. ProductionNestAlignPageBottom_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignPageVertCenterIcon.png Align to Page Horizontal Center The selected job will be moved to the horizontal center of the page. If multiple jobs are selected, the space between jobs is maintained. ProductionNestAlignPageVertCenter_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignPageHorCenterIcon.png Align to Page Vertical Center The selected job will be moved to the vertical center. If multiple jobs are selected, the space between jobs is maintained. ProductionNestAlignPageHorCenter_300x191.png
ProductionNestAlignPageDistributeHor.png Distribute Horizontal on Page The selected jobs will be distributed evenly horizontally. ProductionNestAlignPageDistribute_300x191.png
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