Cleaver and Scissor Tools

(see also: Paths Overview)

There are two ways to separate paths: Separating to Closed Paths with the Cleaver Tool and Separating to Open Paths with the Scissor Tool. Both of these options allow you cut a path, but have differing results.

The Cleaver Tool

The Cleaver tool can separate both open and closed paths, creating new paths of the same type. The result is two separate paths that remain closed, drawing a new segment along the Cleaver's path for each piece.

  • Select the Cleaver tool. mceclip0.png
  • Click and drag the cursor to create a cut line.
    mceclip1.png mceclip3.pngmceclip2.png

Note: Hold Shift and drag to constrain the angle of the cut line.

The Scissor Tool

The Scissors tool separates both open and closed paths, but the new paths it creates are always open.

  • Select the Scissors tool.  mceclip4.png
  • Click once on a path to separate at that point. The two paths will be on top of each, so it won't look separate at first.
  • Click again on another point on the path. The path is now clipped into two separate, open paths.
    mceclip6.png mceclip8.pngmceclip7.png


  • Select the Scissors tool.  mceclip4.png
  • Click and drag. The line will snip along each line that it intersects.
  • The closed path is now cut into two open paths.

Note: Hold Shift and drag to constrain the angle of the cut line.


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