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EnRoute Preferences - View Setup


You can also navigate directly to this wind through View > View Setup


Standard Items

Plate Display the plate when checked
Contours Display contours when checked. Contours are the main type of drawing element, this option is usually left enabled
Contour loops Display contour loop indicators when checked. The indicators will display before generating toolpaths. EnRoute will automatically remove loops when generating toolpaths by altering the contour.
Open Contour direction Display arrows on open contours indicating their direction
Popup menu on right click Open a popup menu on a right click in the workspace when checked


Toolpath Items

Toolpaths Display toolpaths
Direction Display direction arrows on toolpaths
Entry/Exit Display the Entry and Exit positions for each toolpath
Bridges Display the location of toolpath bridges
Start Point Display a small circle with an X inside to indicate the toolpath starting point


Toolpath Width

Determine how toolpaths are displayed

Lines Displays toolpaths as lines with directional arrows.
By Tool Displays toolpaths with the diameter of the tool used to create the toolpath.
Toggle between the two modes using the F9 key.



Controls how toolpaths are displayed based on depth

All Depths All toolpath depths are displayed
Surface Toolpaths at the surface are displayed
Final The last (bottom) toolpath is displayed
[Specific Depth] One of the specific depths assigned to the passes is displayed



Control which toolpaths are displayed based on the associated tool. Options are displayed based on the tools used in the drawing.

All Tools Toolpaths for all tool types are displayed
[Specific Type] Only toolpaths which use the selected tool are shown


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