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EnRoute Preferences - Order Tab


Define the default ordering process when generating toolpaths. The interface matches the ordering parameters used in Output2D simulateOrtho Simulate, and Rendering. The order preferences can be updated from any of these tools.

Priority Order Sort toolpaths based on priority. Priority order can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the row headers. Reference the machine output section for more detail.
Tool Order Add tools from the tool library and click and drag them into the preferred cut order.
Strategy Order Arrange EnRoutestrategy types into a preferred cut order.
Object Order Select the default object ordering method.
Small Parts First When checked, parts with surface areas below the defined threshold will be put at the top of the object order list, regardless of other object ordering methods.
Maintain Grouping Grouped objects will be treated as single objects for object ordering.
Add Tool Add a tool to the tool order list.
Delete Tool Remove a tool from the tool order list.
Clear Tools Clear all tools from the tool order list.
Reset Active Resets currently active parameters to the default values.
Reset Parameters Resets all ordering parameters to the default values.
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