Note: this is intended for very special circumstances where a PC does not have or has limited access to the internet for licensing. USB dongles are generally unavailable for standard licenses.
Table of Contents:
- Installing Your Dongle During Flexi or EnRoute Installation
- Installing Using the Sentinel Protection Installer
- Troubleshooting Your Dongle
In order to use the USB dongle you've received for your software license, you will need to install the USB driver on your computer. This tells your computer how to communicate with and use your dongle.
There are two different ways to install your USB dongle:
- During the Flexi Installation
- Using the Sentinel Driver Installer attached at the end of this article
Before you install your dongle drive, you must ensure that your dongle is NOT connected to your machine. Leave it disconnected until installation is complete.
Installing Your Dongle During Flexi or EnRoute Installation
Pay close attention to the prompts when you are installing flexi (see: Installing Flexi 22 or Installing EnRoute). Part way through, you will be asked which Components to install. Check the "SafeNet Sentinel System Driver" box.
The USB Dongle installation will occur at the end. Once it is installed, plug in your dongle. If the light is green, the installation was successful.
Installing Using the Sentinel Protection Installer
At the end of this article is a link to download the Sentinel Installer. Click it to download it. In your download folder, you will find a .ZIP file named Sentinel_Protection_Installer_7.6.9. Right click it and extract the contents to folder you know how to access.
BEFORE YOU INSTALL, MAKE SURE YOUR DONGLE IS DISCONNECTED. Leave it disconnected until the installation is complete.
Double click the .exe/application file you just extracted to open the installer.
(this section is intended for a first time installation. If you are trying to reinstall, go to "Troubleshooting Your Dongle" below.)
Click Next. | |
Click next and accept the Terms. |
Choose Complete and click Next. | |
Click Install. | |
Click No.
If you are a Network Administrator, you may want to take a look if you think it may affect your network. |
Wait for it to install. | |
Click Finish. |
Once you've finished the installation, plug in your USB dongle. If it lights up green, the installation was successful.
Troubleshooting Your Dongle
If your dongle is connected, is lighting up green, and your software claims that no software license can be found and forces itself to close, one of two things is usually true:
- Your dongle driver is not functioning
- Your USB dongle is defective. (Note, however, that this is *VERY* unlikely. Try the steps below before you assume this. Contact our technical support team if you think this is true.)
The best course of action then is to try and reinstall the USB dongle driver. Follow the steps below exactly and in this order:
- Unplug your USB dongle. Leave it unplugged for the duration of these steps.
- Uninstall the Sentinel Protection Installer:
- Using your Windows Search bar, look for "Add or Remove Programs."
- In the list of programs, find your Sentinel Protection Installer, click it, and choose "Uninstall."
- The Installer will be uninstalled. You can click Yes to move on to the next step automatically.
- Using your Windows Search bar, look for "Add or Remove Programs."
- Once the Uninstallation is complete, RESTART your computer.
- Download the "" file at the end of this article.
- Install it as explained in Installing Using the Sentinel Protection Installer as shown above.
- RESTART your computer again.
- Plug in your Dongle. If the light turns on green, it should have installed correct. Launch your software.
We've had some success trying this process over again if it doesn't work the first time.
If you experience issues still, please contact our technical support team.