Installing Flexi 21 and earlier

For help licensing and downloading Flexi, check out this article first: Activating your License and Downloading your Software


1. When you finish running the downloader to download the software, run the installation. Once the Windows Installer is ready, this window will pop up. Click next.



2. The Installer will then prompt you if you would like to overwrite the previous installation. Click NO. This is useful for reinstalling current version for Flexi, but not for updating it.Previous_Installation.png


3. It will then ask you where you would like to install your new software. if you don't know where you should install it, the default option will be fine.



4. The next screen will ask you what features you want to install. If you're concerned about disk space, uncheck the Samples option but otherwise leave this as is.

(note: if you have a USB hardware key for your license, check the SafeNet Sentinel System Driver option, but only if this is the first time you are installing Flexi on this computer.)



5. Click Next.



6. The Software will now Install. Please wait for it to finish.



Activating your Software

Once the installation is finished, the License Manager window will open. Type in or Paste (Ctrl + V) your activation code that you got in Step 1.


You will want to verify you are connected to the internet.

Once you’ve entered in your activation code, the License Manager will attempt to communicate with the SAi server over the internet. If you Activation code is correct, it will say “Licensing Successful. Then click “Finish.”



Next, the Install Manager will open. First, ensure your Language is correct.

If you have settings you wish to retrieve from your old version of Flexi (including printer setups, ICC Profiles, presets, styles, templates, etc.) then check “Copy data from another installation,” and then hit “OK.” They must be saved on the same computer as you installing it now.

If not, just hit “OK” without changing anything on this screen.
Either way, a shortcut will be created on your desktop.



If you checked "Copy Data from another installation," you will get the window shown below when it finishes. First select Browse and then point to the root folder of your Flexi installation.

Normally it can be found one of the following directories:

C:\Program Files(x86)\SAi\SAi Production Suite 19


C:\Program Files\SAi\SAi Production Suite 21


If you have multiple folders of SAi Production Suite 19 or 21 and are not sure which one to use (such as 191, 192, or 211) it’s usually safe to pick the last one. If you’re still not sure, find your Flexi shortcut on your Desktop and then right click it and select “Open File Location”. In the address bar, you’ll see which one to use. (Don’t go any deeper than the Production Suite folder.)

Select which settings you wish to bring forward to your new installation and then click Copy. It’s okay to leave them all checked if you are not sure which options to bring over. Note that this can only be done if you are installing on the same computer.



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