Adding the color swatch
To print a color swatch, first ensure the desired swatch is added to the bottom of Flexi.
If the desired color swatch is already at the bottom of your Flexi, skip to "Printing the Color Swatch."
At the top of the window, click on "View," then "Color," and finally "Open Table."
A window will appear with two selections: "Library" and "Table."
Table: By default, there are 7 swatches, including the "default table" and the "used colors table."
Library: This contains a much larger collection of tables, including manufacturer and proprietary color swatches such as 3M and Pantone.
For this demonstration, we will be clicking into the "Library" folder.
Next, choose a folder.
For this demonstration, we will be using the "Pantone" folder.
Select the swatch you would like to open.
For this demonstration, we are choosing "Pantone Solid Coated."
If done correctly, the swatch table will be added to the bottom of your application.
Printing the color swatch
From the top of Flexi, go to "View," select "Create Swatch," and then choose "Current Palette."
In the Design Central window, you should see a dropdown that allows you to select the color swatch you want to print.
Once selected, the preview of the color swatch should update to show the colors included in that swatch table. Click the green checkbox in Design Central to apply the swatch.
After clicking the green checkbox, ensure you verify the dimensions of the swatch by selecting the entire swatch in your workspace and checking the width x height in Design Central.
The swatch is now ready to print.
Ensure you document the exact media, ICC profile, and color settings used to print this color swatch if you need to match colors in the future.