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Order Reprints

Order Reprints allows you to create a print job that you can set up to immediately print again at your convenience. This feature takes the print data and saves in a compact file for later usage. 

Create Order

Right click the job you wish to create a reprint order for and select Create Order...



The Create Order window will appear. An Order ID will be automatically generated, but you can put in any ID convenient for you using alphanumeric characters and symbols. Fill out the fields as you see fit and click OK.


An order will save ALL of the settings found in the Job Proprieties window, including the ICC/Color Profile. There is no way to edit any of these settings (including the number of copies of the artwork); if you wish to change one or more of these settings, you will need to save another order using the method above with the desired changes.

It is recommended you print the job first will all the settings you wish, including the ICC Profile you wish to use to ensure correct output, then create the Order. Set the After Output mode to Hold as seen on the Workflow Tab of the Job Properties window before printing.


Order Reprint

Once you have an order saved, you can recall it by going to File > Order Reprint...


The Order Reprint window will appear.



When you find the desired reprint, you can click Add and Hold to add it to the queue or Send Now to print it immediately.


Search Order

If you are having a hard time finding it, the Search window will narrow down your list of orders by the customer name or the date you entered in when you created the Order. Click Refresh to update the list, select the desired Order ID, and then click Select. The selected Order will now populate in the Order Reprint window.



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