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Flexi Complete Themes

Some big changes have made their way into Flexi Complete, including a new option that will allow you to change the color of your user interface. Flexi now has 5 Themes to choose from:
Legacy, Aqua, Silver, Dark Gray, and Light Blue.

Where can I go to change my Flexi theme?

Changing your theme in Flexi is seamless, Located in the Preferences you will find a new option
and drop down called Theme.

To access your Preferences, First go to the menu bar located at the top of Flexi, you will have
the following choices: File, Edit, View, Arrange, Text, Effects, Bitmap, Window, and Help.


To change our preferences, we will be using the Edit drop down menu, preferences are located towards the bottom of this drop down.



Once you have your preferences open, locate the new option for Theme. This will be about
halfway down the preference menu.



Once a Theme is selected pressing the OK button will save the option and change the overall
color accent of Flexi Complete. Shown below is the Light Blue theme. 

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