Production Manager Basic Elements


1. Main Menu: These menus contains the bulk of your options and settings.

2. Device Bar: The device bar shows all devices currently configured with their connection. A device can have multiple setups, each with differing default options.

3. Setup Bar: The setup bar shows all currently configured setups. A setup contains a set of default job properties. A device can have multiple setups. For example, a setup can be created for a printer with all the correct settings for a certain banner material, while a second setup is created with all the correct settings and profiles for a certain textile material.

4. Output Queue: Shows the list of jobs that are currently being sent to the output device with their status.

5. RIP Queue: Displays the list of jobs that are currently being processed.

6. Job Preview Thumbnail: Hover over the the numbnail to get a preview of the job.

7. Hold Queue: Displays the list of jobs that have been added. While jobs are in the hold queue, you can access their job properties and make changes. Once a job is ready for printing, it can be dragged to the RIP queue or the Output Queue.

You can right click jobs in this queue for additional options (most notably "Job Properties")

For jobs with the "After Output" setting set to "Hold" in the second tab of the job properties, they will return to the Hold Queue once they are done instead of being deleted.

8. System Information: Shows RAM, Virtual Memory, and Hard Disk Usage.

9. Print Preview: Displays a thumbnail preview of the job.

10. Job Information: Lists many of the important job settings and staistics, such as color mode, output profile, date, number of copies, etc.

11. Cloud Window: Links for the SAi Cloud features and services. This will appear differently depending on the Flexi Product you have.

12. Main Toolbar: A list of actions for print and cut jobs:

  • Wizard: Create a new job to print or cut with a simplified, step by step process.
  • Job: Clicking the folder will add a new job to the Hold Queue. Clicking the arrow below the Job button will show more options.
  • RIP: Sends a print job to the RIP Queue, preparing the job for the printer, but it will not print yet. If you change any settings after it RIPs, it will need to RIP again. Cut jobs ignore this entirely.
  • Send: This will send the job to the printer. If the job is a print job in the Hold List, it will go through the RIP queue first, then the Output Queue
  • Estimate: Estimates the amount and cost of ink used in a job. Helps calculate the true cost of any print job. Can also prevent running out of ink in the middle of a job.
  • Nest: Nests the selected jobs together to use the minimum amount of the output media. Note that the color and profile settings for each job need to be exactly the same if they are print jobs.
  • Unnest: Unnests the selected set of nested jobs
  • Abort: Stops the selected file from RIPing or Printing. 
  • Delete: Deletes the selected job(s).
  • Help: Click the Help button to open the HTML help file. Click the Help menu button to view the context menu.
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