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The Document Border

The Document Border is a frame of reference that you can set up if you want to design within a constrained space (such as working within the width of your substrate). This is especially useful when using features like True Shape Nest, but also note that the RIP & Print window will automatically constrain designs to the media width, so you don't necessarily need to use the Document with every design.

Note that the Document and the border are completely visual; the document border and any settings you select will not printIt also will not force any constraints on your design. Some tools may use it to constrain some features, but the output to the printer will not be constrained by it.



Document Tab

The Document shape and border is controlled entirely within DesignCentral in the Document tab.


You can show the Document Tab in two ways

  • Open DesignCentral and click an empty area in the document.
  • From the File menu, select Document Setup.
mceclip2.png Preset sizes for standardized document sizes (such as 8.5"x11" Letter size)
mceclip4.png Opens additional options for document size, as shown below:
Add Adds a new document size.
Delete Deletes an existing document size.
Set as Default Sets the current document size as the default.
Show Border Shows or hides the design area borders.
mceclip5.png Sets the page width and height of the document.
mceclip6.png Sets the page orientation to portrait or landscape. (Inverts the page width and height)
mceclip7.png Specifies the color of the document background.


Margin Tab

The Second tab is the Margin Tab, which allows you to apply a margin within the borders of the document

Here is a document with a 0.5 inch margin applied to all sides.


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