DesignCentral - Overview and Basics

The DesignCentral window is designed to give you additional options when editing an object or design in a centralized and easy to find location. You'll notice when you select a tool in Flexi, the DesignCentral window changes. These options are often critical to getting the design the way you want it, and some major options require you to confirm it by clicking a green check mark. Pay attention to this window for EVERY tool that you use.


If you do not see your DesignCentral window, there are a few ways to open it.

  1. Click the DesignCentral button on the Standard Toolbar:
  2. Go to View > DesignCentral
  3. The default shortcut for DesignCentral is Ctrl + I. You can see it in the View Menu as shown above.

When you don't have any object selected: the Document Tab shows, allowing you to change the Document border. (see: The Document Area). You can click out in the empty space of the artboard to deselect anything and it will return to this window.


When you have an object Selected: The DesignCentral Window will have a few different tabs. The first two tabs are common among almost every object. Get to know them well. The third and fourth tabs are specific to the tool you are using.


mceclip8.png mceclip9.png
The Scale Tab The Rotate Tab  Tool specific Tabs


Scale Tab: This has tools to change the size and position of the Object.

  • mceclip10.png Width and Height of the object.  
  • mceclip12.png The XY Position on the Artboard. The Origin (0 x,0 y) is usually at the bottom left of the Document border. These values are the distance from that position.
  • mceclip13.png If the Proportional box is checked, then changing either the Width or the Height will change the other value proportionately. For example, if you have a square that is 2 in x 2 in, and you change the height to 3 inches, it will change the width to 3 inches as well.
  • mceclip14.png Anchor points. Whenever you make a change to one of the above options, this will decide which part of the object will stay stationary. For example, if you change the height and width of 2 in x 2 in square to 3 in x 3 in with the center selected, all four edges will expand outward and the very center will stay in place. But if you select the bottom left stationary point, then the square will expand up and right, while the bottom left stays stationary.

Rotate Tab: This has tools to change the orientation of the object.

  • mceclip16.png Changes the angle of an object.
  • mceclip18.png Applies a Shear effect to an object.mceclip17.png 
  • mceclip19.png Quick rotation options.
    • mceclip20.png Rotate 90° left
    • mceclip21.png Rotate 90° right
    • mceclip22.png Mirror flip vertically
    • mceclip23.png Mirror flip horizontally

Tool or Effect Specific tabs: This will vary widely depending on the tool you are using. If you have questions about a specific tab and its features, find the article about the tool or effect itself. It will have the DesignCentral options and descriptions there.

Below is an example about Tool specific tabs in DesignCentral using the Outline effect.

Apply Effect: When you are first applying an effect, Flexi may require confirmation before the effect is actually applied. You'll notice there is only one tab in DesignCentral.

For Example, when you am applying an outline, these two buttons will appear at the bottom. Clicking the green check mark will confirm the effect. Clicking the red X will cancel the effect.



Once you have applied an effect, DesignCentral will go back to its usual state with the Scale and Rotate Tabs (assuming you have the object selected), and it will have the Outline tab available. If you want to make changes (saying, making the outline thicker), you will need to hit the green checkmark again to confirm the new change.


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