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Finding Files

The Find File feature allows you to search for specific files. You can search for files based on file name or any of the Job Information parameters. Only .fs files will be returned in the search. Other file types such as .pdf, .jpg, or others do not work with this function.

To Search for a File:

  • From the File menu, select Find File.

  • Click Browse and select the folder where the search will be performed. To search all subfolders, check the Include subfolders option. 
  • Enter the search parameters:
    • To search for a file by its name, enter the file name in the Named field.

      In the example below, I searched for "Arrow" in my Customer Files folder. When I hit Search, it finds these files:

    • To search for a file using any of the job information, select any job criteria from the dropdown menu and enter the search text in the contains field. This has reference to the Job Info... window under the Edit menu in Flexi. If you did not fill that out, this search function won't find the job you are looking for.

      For example, I know this job is for the company "McExample Metalwork" and I know I filled out the Job Info window, so I changed the dropdown to Company and typed in "McExample". It found the job file.
  • Once you find a file, you can click on Job Info... to look at the Job Information if you need more information. Again, the Job Info... window will have needed to be filled out.mceclip5.png
  • Once you've located the right file, click the job name in the list below and then click Open. You can now edit the file.
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