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Combine effects are applied to overlapping objects, separating or merging the portions that are overlapping. Combine effects can only be applied to vector objects; they are not available for bitmaps.

These options can be found in Edit > Combine...



Effects will be always applied to the topmost object. If you want to apply the effect to other objects underneath, first group the top objects.
Combine Effect Before After Notes
Weld mceclip0.png mceclip1.png Weld effects weld selected objects into single objects, removing overlapping. Use this tool to eliminate extra lines in overlapping objects.
Weld by Color mceclip2.png mceclip3.png The Weld by color effect will automatically weld together any overlapping objects that have the same color.
Cut out mceclip8.png mceclip9.png The Cut Out effect is applied to overlapping objects. It deletes the topmost object and removes the overlapping areas from the objects underneath it.
Remove Overlap mceclip12.png mceclip11.png The Remove Overlap effect is applied to overlapping objects. It deletes the areas from the bottommost objects that overlap the topmost object, but does not delete the topmost object.
Common mceclip12.png mceclip13.png The Common effect deletes all of the selected objects except for their overlapping areas.
Exclude Common mceclip12.png mceclip14.png The Exclude Common effect is applied to overlapping objects. It deletes the overlapping areas of the objects.
Fuse mceclip12.png mceclip15.png The Fuse effect is applied to overlapping objects. It removes the entire topmost object, except for the overlapping area. The overlapping area and the objects on the lower layers are combined into one object. The objects on the lower layers remain intact, and the fused portion retains its original color.
Separate Overlap mceclip12.png mceclip16.png The Separate Overlap effect is applied to overlapping objects. It takes the overlapping areas in the objects and makes them into separate objects
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