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Distort Effect

Your software allows you to distort vector objects. The following distortions are available in your software. When a distortion effect is applied to a bitmap, it will mask the bitmap using the distortion shape.

Applying Distortions

  • Select the desired objects.
  • From the Effects menu, select Distort.
  • The Distort tab appears in DesignCentral.
  • Adjust the parameters in DesignCentral or drag the control points.
  • Click Apply.

Adjusting Distortions Using DesignCentral

When distortions are applied to objects, the following attributes can be adjusted in DesignCentral:

DesignEffectsDistorttype.png Selects the distortion type. There are many types to choose from. Each individual distortion type will have its own control points.
DesignEffectsDistortRotation.png Adjusts the Rotation Angle of the distortion envelope.
 DesignEffectsDistortCounterClock.pngDesignEffectsDistortClock.png Rotates the distortion envelope 90 degrees counterclockwise or clockwise.
DesignEffectsDistortMirrorV.pngDesignEffectsDistortMirrorH.png Mirrors the distortion envelope vertically or horizontally.


Adjusting Distortions Using Control Points

For each distortion, there are a number of control points that can be dragged to adjust the distortion to your requirements. The number of points and the effect when the points are dragged will vary according to the distortion type.

In some symmetric distortions, like Wave-Top and Patch, holding Ctrl and dragging will allow you to move one handle independently from the others.


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